A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The French Way

I have learned this evening the difference between French and Italian profiteroles. In a French/Italian restaurant, La Gourmandinia.

I'd love to tell you more about work and dog walks but my date is back from the loo and I have pudding to eat.

Lesley x

EDIT: so in my haste to not be a bad date I didn't explain the difference...apparently the Italian way is when it comes with the chocolate set on top. The French way is to pour hot chocolate sauce over the profiteroles. I think doing it in dramatic fashion at the table is probably optional but it was the option chosen here.

I'm also going to record the start of our night out as we met in a lovely pub around the corner called The Perseverance. And the end...cocktails in the rather fancier Scarfe's bar, with gorgeous velvet chairs and musical entertainment from a bassist, singer and pianist.

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