midwife crisis

By lulubelle

The glorious morning rapidly disappeared to leave the default summer setting of thick white cloud. This provided the ideal excuse for Hubs and I to watch the tour de france live, as there was no appeal to being outside. Yola and I sat and nattered over cups of tea and took the day at snails pace, all rather good really!
We walked into the village to do some shopping and the sun was making a real effort to shine through the cloud. After a chat with Lisa in her shop we headed for Hackett's and the growing crowd outside. Steadily there was more sun, more people, sunglasses, cold drinks, shorts, sundresses and 'Voila' a summer evening buzz ! You have to grab the moment sometimes!!
Graham came for dinner and found an empty house (we were still at the pub) - bad, bad, naughty bad friends. We rang him and he was busy preparing the salad by the time we got home. Dinner was great, the conversation good and we all laughed lots while ripping the P of each other.
I completely forgot to take my camera out with me today, so this is an emergency late night blip of the garden flowers on the dinner table.

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