
A day spent working with cattle. Brought 2 lots of cows in ready for Stevie and Kevin to scan and freeze brand this afternoon. By the time they finished we had PD'd 100 and freeze branded 30 . Not bad for under 3 hrs. Only 1 heifer and 4 cows not in calf, so not too bad.
Freeze branding is done using metal letters and numbers that are chilled in a vat of liquid nitrogen then held on the skin for a short time. This causes the pigment in the hair to turn white and leave a permanent identification mark.
Had to run a trailer load of old ewes next door to get collected in the morning by a lorry as my Land Rover still not well. Managed to find a hole in an intercooler hose that is hopefully the cause of the problem. There is a new hose ordered by the garage so fingers crossed.

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