Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


A sunny day! Warmish, even.

JR and Archie went up the Hill in the morning, while I fiddled about at home.

Our friend from Holland, Tineke is on a flying visit with her adult English language students, sightseeing in the north of England and Scotland. They could not have chosen worse weather! Thank goodness a bit of blue sky today as they visited the Falkirk Wheel though not the Kelpies (the bus driver did not take them there, though T asked him to , probably 'not on his itinerary'). Tineke took advantage of her students having a free afternoon in the city to come and visit us. She has never been to this flat, but more importantly, she hadn't met Archie. She's a doggy person, so loved him, though he was his usual timid wee self.

And so we had a lovely afternoon, which flew by. Wine flowed and nibbles kept appearing. All too soon, It was time for her to go back into town to meet up with the bus load of students and head to their billets in Penicuik for their evening meal. Then off to St Andrews tomorrow. Let's hope the snow and hail stays away!

We had some brilliant presents - which will be worth a blip of their own. And the promise of Tineke (and hubby) coming to stay to look after Archie when we do our (yet to be decided) Big Retirement Adventure. When my knees are refurbished...

What a fun afternoon!

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