SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Business day

In my photography office all day today and just nipped out for a few meetings.

First meeting for today was with a digital media firm who advertise in a series of different places on tv screens. Long story short, after a great meeting, I confirmed I wanted to put Stephanie Summers Photography in one of their premium spots for my portrait sessions. Meeting with another marketing company tomorrow to talk courses, so it's all going on!

The later two meetings canceled, which freed up quite a bit of time to do editing! Hoorah! A quick chat on FaceTime with my lovely photography friend in Edinburgh about our shoots and how to edit on the Mac and then it was time for bed!

Where do the days go to?!

Today's blips a bit random - looking at food differently now- always in a photography related manner!! These homemade savory pancakes were delicious!

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