
By Schatzmoney

I met an NFL player!

During the soccer banquet for Trenton F.C. they had a special guest come and give a speech to us. I did not know that the special guest was actually professional football player who had grown up in Trenton area! He began his speech by making a pretty clever soccer joke. After that he began to talk about how he had played soccer a lot as a young boy and how he had to give up that dream because he was just to big for the sport. He then explained how this set up his path to football and all of his success. He credited his parents for always pushing him to do the best he could, academically and athletically. He then talked about how important the youth is and making sure the youth is set up to be successful in life. After his speech was done everyone got pictures with him. He was a very interesting person and I talked to him a bit before he left.

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