Little sod

Turned my back for not even a minute and somehow he got up there.
He has never done anything like that before. 8 years. Clearly full of the joys of summer.

Pre Op done.
More blood taken - to once again determine my blood group/type. Surely they don't need to do that every time they see me. I must have lost at least two pints at the hospital purely from checking my blood type.

So. My final pieces of work for school are nearly done. I am handing over the reins, for a short while at least. I am passing things on to very capable colleagues who will probably do things better than I do them!!! Delegating is not one of my strengths and those of you that know me will understand how hard it is for me to completely step away from work.

Step away I must.

So, fingers, toes and eyes crossed...let me get to Thursday morning without hitch.

Thanks for all positive messages and kind words through Facebook, Twitter, email and texts, as well as here. I am lucky that so many of you care !

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