
Still awake even though it's past midnight.
I got all of the work done that I wanted to finish before tomorrow.
I waited anxiously in case the phone rang.
Even now, I know it could be cancelled in the morning.
Fingers crossed that it isn't, particularly after a near blacking out when doing the unspeakable preparation.
I know what love is.  It's sitting and holding your wife, so she won't hurt herself, whilst watching her shut down in front of you.
I have no dignity left, but I know that I have this nutter of a husband and an amazing son.  What else do I need?

Purple hair.  Which I got this morning.  It really is purple as well.  My hairdresser is a really bad influence!

Onwards.  Tempted to go and get another brew ...I have until 2.30 then its water only and nil by mouth by 6.30

Bricking it.

Expect a ridiculous blip from hospital tomorrow night :-)

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