

Poorly Steve.

Loooong morning nap for Charley.

Everyone else went into Swansea without us, but once I'd finally freed myself from a sleeping Charley I got us dressed, and once Charley woke up got us in the car (minus Steve) and followed the others into Swansea as well. They had gone to Plantasia and I think if it hadn't had fish pictured on the flyer I wouldn't have gone, the weather was rubbish and I wouldn't have Steve with me! Ben insisted though so we went. Had sausages in the café on arrival, then wandered around looking at the plants and fish and birds and monkeys. Ben got a snake toy (which needs fixing), and chose a terrapin for Charley. Then off to sainsburys for a heart-attack-inducing bill at the checkout, but Ben did get a non-broken toy this time, a spiderman motorbike. He is too young to see the spidey film released soon, and doesn't know anything about spiderman really - just loves the blue and red web thing going on! (He got a spiderman costume from Aunty Sue which fits perfectly and he LOVES.)

Home for more pizza making and cherry crumble making, a quick shower, and bed for the boys. Ben decided he didn't like sleeping on the edge of the bed so climbed into the top bunk to fall asleep. I'd love to think we could all sleep in here tonight, Ben and Steve on the top bunk and me and Charley on the bottom, but if Ben wakes and wants milk as usual it could be an issue so I guess we'll go on the sofabed again.

Had a glass of Welsh cider (Black Dragon) and succumbed to the lurgy. Bleh. At least I am now alcohol-infused.

Mum and I are both suffering internet withdrawal. She's missing her 365 and all I managed to do today is reply to an email - no facebook or blip!

Cherry and Apple Crumble

2 punnets fresh cherries
2 cooking apples
1/2 cup caster sugar
1-2 cups water
3 cups plain flour
1/2 cup sugar
200g butter

Halve and de-stone the cherries, place in a pan with 1-2 cups water and 1/2 cup caster sugar. Bring to the boil and simmer for about half an hour, or until the apples have been peeled, cored and sliced. Strain the cherries into a bowl and add the apples to the cherry syrup. Cook for 15 minutes or until the crumble is made!
To make the crumble, put the flour in a bowl, slice the butter into the flour and rub in using fingertips until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the sugar and stir to mix.
Layer the apples followed by the cherries in a pie dish, pour over the syrup, and cover with the crumble mixture.
Bake in a hot (200C) oven for about half an hour or until the crumble is turning golden.
Serve hot with icecream!

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