Raindrops on tulips...
...these are a few of my favourite things!
Nice quiet day after yesterdays activity - bizarrely my knees really hurt! I did crouch down in Tiger to put things in a basket and then found I could not get up into standing - oh boy did that make me feel old! So maybe it was the effort I had to make to make myself stand up without actually having to shuffle to a counter and haul myself up with it's help?!
I also did something really stupid to my camera - there was a hair inside so I tried to remove it - not delicately enough as it turned out and now it's awash with little specks - so have found a place to send it to for cleaning. Luckily I have my other camera which I replaced when marks appeared on it and it gave me the excuse to buy a new one earlier than I intended. Funnily enough when I last took it out and used it by mistake, the marks had gone!
So marks on cameras and drops on tulips - I know which I prefer!
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