Lucky Happenstance!

Usual wednesday morning open of the Girls then I set to on one of the beds that has been covered for nearly a year. Unfortunately some ants had made a nest under the cover and frantically grabbed their brood and carried them to safety. I felt so bad I grabbed some carpet and covered them again! Talk about the sky falling in - the sky just disappeared for them - scary! 
The digging over of the bed was not the simple task I had envisaged. The grass I had covered had obviously set seed before I covered it so the top surface had to be removed, as did masses of the little grass bulbs -no idea what type of grass it is except the grass is big and tough if allowed to flourish! So having done all this I got my fork and took my first forkful - bringing up, yes - couch grass roots! I gave up at this point - 3 and a half hours is enough for one day!
Before heading home I went to the CoOp for cat food and yay! Callington food and craft market in the scouts Hut at the edge of the carpark! Never knew it was held there every wednesday so had to go have a look! Was I ever pleased I did!Amongst the plants for sale I found Angels Trumpets! I used to grow them but haven't for many years and after being reminded on blip of their existence I intended to do so again! Two plants for 75p each!!  Inside there was pastries, meat, cheese, paintings, plants, knitted and fabric "things" and the cutest fimo figures - I may have bought a chicken keyring and something else that will be a future EB! Walking across the carpark I spotted the gorgeous car in the extra! The owner came back as I was photographing it so I asked his permission! I told him how gorgeous his car was and he said it was fun! I'm liking his fun! 
After a late lunch I went into the lane and sorted out my Crocosmia - all nicely pulled back now  - that will please them up the road! Several times I had to grab the dead crocosmia I had pulled out from under the cascading new green foliage, and stand on the narrow step outside my door as a car wanted to go up the lane! Rest of the evening spent making dinner ( oh my those Gousto boxes are good! Lime and miso panko crusted cod with Asian sweet sugar snap slaw and homemade baked chips! )  and keeping up with the fallout from the firing of Comey. Surely it's just a matter of time before impeachment? I sincerely hope so, and soon. 

P.S. Gorgeous iris flowering on my allotment!

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