
By Fisherking

........1966 and all that..............

One of my all time sporting apprentice at the time of the Munich air disaster..........lynch pin of the 66 World Cup team, played every minute of the tournament..........starred in the 68 European Cup winning team.........Norbert Peter Stiles MBE.........wore contact lenses due ti severe short sight....and famously missing his four front teeth.

Tonight I watched some other sporting heroes................they reduced me to tears....the Invictus athletes............and the Services dogs..............what a brave bunch of people from all corners of the planet.........lets hope the event continues to grow in stature.

Reasons to be cheerful.............I can see the improvement in hebs...........even though she is battered and bruised.....her eyes are clear.....I'm sure she's going to recover fully........and get back to being the Superteacher she is.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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