a new year!

By Thesalh70

From one beach to another

Back to work then, two weeks flown by. Up at six and a gorgeous mr blue sky awaits. Today was gonna be hot!

Breakfast outside, but not on the balcony! Rag top down and off to work and the traffic was bliss as schools now off...this is a nearly perfect Monday morning so far!

Nice to be back, not seen some of my team for 3 weeks so good to see everyone back at work.

Lots of emails to catch up on. Back on salads at lunch! But made time to wander out into the square and see the Nottingham Riviera! Checked out if sangria on sale, but no was the answer. Pimms and rum punch, I'm sure one lunch we will visit!

The beach was packed. First day of school hols and gorgeous sunshine bought the crowds out. Spied a 'shove ten penny' machine, always wanted one of those in my room! (Mand bought me a mini version!)

Home, and then off to put a few more final touches to work at 49.

Now will sit out for a little while, until dark, as it's still v warm. This is how summer should be!

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