
By Fisherking

.........small world..........

A piece of genuine Russian tat..................

Today I received a facebook friend request from an old school/college pal........Martin
I last saw him more than 15 years ago at the funeral of my best man Clive who died tragically young............we said we'd keep in touch.....and with Clive's widow, Paula..........and we did...........mainly through Christmas cards and the odd phone call......but time goes by......until one year no cards arrived.

I replied to the friend request...........and had to tell Martin about Helen's passing.............he already knew from another school friend..but what he wanted to tell me was that he had moved to a small village in the Lake District called Tallentire........and his next door neighbour is..........Paula.....who has remarried.........he says that every time he sees Paula's son(20) it's like seeing Clive as he was when we were at school.

We agreed to meet up some time soon..............and I  shed a few tears for lost friends.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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