Me time!

Great morning ride round Bradgate park with April and Bobby. Lots of cantering to try and shift some of Limes grass belly. He's looking a lot better now his grass intake is being restricted. Felt like not ridden for ages so it was really good to be back in the saddle and Lime was happy too. Even Sharon commented that he was looking well!

Got home just in time to get Eva from preschool. Debbie and Phoebe came home with us for a coffee (milk for Phoebe). We had a chat about school-gate politics and cliques. Seems I'm not the only one who has noticed! I expect it happens everywhere. I need to stop over analysing!

We got Tobes from school and took him swimming. He had a float today for his back stroke and did really well. I think he needs to just keep on with that till he has got his confidence. I want to find something better for September though as the class sizes are so big and he's now with 4 yr olds who take up all of the teachers time because they can't swim at all so need more support, just because she can't move him up till he's happy on his back. It's so frustrating!

Tobes said he got all his spellings right today. He had to learn the days of the week. Hard for him as they are mostly 'tricky' words you can't sound out and we hadn't looked at them till after Eva's dance class last night (bad mummy) so he's done really well. I felt awful yesterday that we'd not looked at them sooner. There just seems to be so much to do all the time ... I know I waste a lot of energy comparing myself to other people - they are better parents than me, their houses are cleaner, their lives more organised, their kids do more after school etc etc. It's not about material stuff just that I look at other people and think why can't I do that and that whatever I do it's not good enough. I think everyone else is better than me. It feels like everything is so complicated all the time :0( Humph!

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