
By Bigdreamer

Wild Weeds

I am starting to feel that we are going to be in for a early spring with the gorgeous weather the last few days, I am certainly not complaining the girls and I could spend hours dwindling outside.

Picking wild flowers a hmmm weeds was one of my favourite things as a little girl, it is nice to see my girls getting the same excitement and enjoyment in doing the same, somethings are timeless. I am some how torn between feeling happy and then I have moments of absolute guilt. I love watching miss B and L running wild and chasing down flowers in the garden, then I am suddenly struck with a feeling of guilt as miss M is at school and not here with us as she too would relish in this simple activity. I guess no matter what I will always feel that I am not giving one of them enough attention this is the part I find hard as a mother dividing up my time with them.

I am at my happiest when I have all 3 with me. Miss M was so happy after school today she had found out that there was a few new things to play on at school, one of her favourites it seems was hopscotch I listened while she excitedly told me all about the new game she had discovered, after her detailed explanation of what was involved in playing, she then replied after don't worry mum I'll show you when we are there next I can tell you don't understand the rules.

It seems My baby little miss L, is in a hurry to grow up, she asks everyday mum am I going to kinder with miss B yet, then when I reply no...ahhhhh mum thats not fair!!!! I'm not a baby, this is stupid(her new word) not sure where that came from. two more terms for her to wait it is going to be a long rest of the year poor little munchkin must be hard bing the youngest.

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