
A good nights sleep.

BiL had an appointment this morning, so the three of us decided to have a little trip out to a market garden. Of course we bought one or two plants...well, more than one or two actually ;-)

A quick shot of Purdy, their cat, who was pleased to see us and I think she was reassured that she wasn't going to be left again ;-)

After a light lunch we spent some time sat in the garden, but it clouded over and became quite chilly. We retired indoors and watched a TV programme that had been recorded.

We had a tasty dinner before we bid our farewells to sis and BiL, until the next time, which isnt too far away.

I drove home, the traffic was quite light and we made good time, getting to our house around 10pm, so just around 3.5 hours isn't bad going ;-)

It was dry all the way home bar the last couple of miles.....typical, a wet welcome home to,the north west :-/

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