A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

What'S UP?

The power of blip. I stopped on my dog walk to take this picture purely so I could use that title. You don't need to say anything. I already know.

A slightly odd day. Awoke to a (relatively speaking) semi important work situation that I couldn't do much about until the East Coast came online. So I used my time wisely and went for a long dog walk and a swim. Haven't been for so long and it was a rather lovely reminder of just how much I love it. It's lack of time efficiency from an out of the house : exercise time ratio prevents me going as often as I would like. But my workload is lightening up over the next month or so and I think I will be able to indulge a little more.

Afternoon sorting out the problem to reasonable effect. And rather excitingly managed to book us a holiday cottage for the bank holiday weekend just when I was giving up that booking this late was quite hopeless. It's on the edge of a forest and I am very much looking forward to the change of scene.

And then a really fun dog training session in the garden. Even the bits when Albi was naughty were amusing. We had been lamenting the fact we had been idiots for somehow booking this on a Friday evening but actually it was one of those things that was energy giving rather than taking.

And now to end the week with the last two episodes of Line of Duty. I'm really hoping it will be a satisfying ending. If you know, no spoilers please!!

Sick kids update...Anna off again but I think fully better now and will be back to normal tomorrow. Possibly sightings of a little more energy from J. Little shoots and all that.

Oh, and I only woke at 5am today so that's progress.

Lesley x

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