A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Lazy filler blip. I did take a picture of our lovely new tarmaced road but it seems a while since Albi has been here and she is definitely cuter.

Lazy as the backdrop of the day has been tiredness as I needed to get up at 6am to make sure J's alarm had worked and he had taken his first tablet. As my brain is really annoying I woke in a panic thinking I had missed the alarm at about 1am and didn't really get back to sleep until the appointed hour. There is clearly some deep-seated mistrust of my alarm.

I did make it through a slightly full on morning of work that was a little technologically challenging. And then a day of nursing. In addition to administering J's medication I have mainly been trying to help Anna work out what she can eat when she is hungry but everything seems to trigger a bad reaction in her stomach and what she can do when she is lacking in oomph but not enough to want to sleep. The eating thing seemed to improve towards the evening so hopefully she'll be back on form tomorrow. And jigsaws and Sherlock and the new Tom Gates book seemed to be distracting enough for the other.

No major boosts in cortisol seen from the boy but he has been on good form and the lack of a need for conversations about waiting for, and speculating about, results has been a breathe of fresh air.

Lesley x

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