Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Well, I feel like now the wrath of uni is over for the time being I thought I would fill you in on some updates on my life that isn't just uni.

> It's sort of a bit daunting knowing I'm sort of a third year now.
> I'm still living in Sunderland in my flat and the novelty of buying my own food is still there but I have stopped thinking about my finances as much. (sort of)
> I have lost 1 stone 4.5lbs so far which I am so pleased about however, I haven't been so great on my diet this week as celebrations have occurred and I fancied a break on myself.
> Me and my darling Lee are as fabulous as ever and plans to go to Manchester this summer are forming but uni is still sort of in the way.
> Still no bloody job and still horrendously poor it makes me beyond sad. I miss shopping sprees and having Nandos on a weekly basis with Sarah.
> 21st Birthday antics are forming of sorts, after a lot of discussing I think I'm just having a meal with my friends (with drinks obviously), meal with the fam and I think a trip to Centre Parcs is on the agenda.
> I really want a pair of ripped at the knee jeans. (currently what is on my mind)
> My exhibition went amazing and I went to see it again today and it was still great. 

That's it really. I will will will be blogging more! I have been so behind because of stress but I will be getting my camera out more and taking it out with me more because I miss having photos and loving taking them. 

Happy Blipping.

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