Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


This morning started with blowing bubbles outside whilst wearing pyjamas. And then to make the most of the gorgeous weather we headed off to another beach. We were recommended that Wells next to the sea was very impressive by another camper; so we packed up our buckets and spades and headed that way. When we arrived, it seemed like every person in Norfolk had the same idea. We parked near to the town, and enjoyed a chippy lunch on the harbour front. The mini pinks thought this was wonderful - being "allowed" to eat chip with their fingers at lunch time from a cardboard box!!! It was bustley and beautiful down by the harbour. We had brought the crabbing lines from earlier in the year, and bought a very cheap packet of bacon as bait. The mini pinks sat very still and very patiently, and were rewarded by one crab! We let him go straight away as Master Pink's bucket had blown over the harbour wall and out of reach!
We took the little train from the town to the beach ( miss Pink would never had made the walk!). The beach at Wells is very interesting - it's vast, and parts are seperated by tidal "rivers". I was anxious about the mini pinks playing in the biggest of these, as there was a strong current, but Mr Pink managed to take Master Pink across to the other side. On the other side it was dunes, and a moon like landscape. I wish I could have seen it, but Miss Pink had found nice warm puddles to splash in. :) She made several small sandcastles, and really just thorughly enjoyed herself filling buckets up with sand and emptying them and splashing in puddles.
The mini Pinks and I stopped off for an ice cream at the beach cafe while Mr Pink walked back to get the car. The lifeguards said it was 29 degrees and this was at 5.30pm!
Miss Pink fell asleep on the way back to the campsite, and wouldn't be stirred even when i put her pjs on. Mister, Master and I enjoyed a barbecue and played moshi monster top trumps until bed time. I will be sad to go home tomorrow.

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