Feeding time

I came downstairs this morning and one of my slippers was missing. I had left them under the chair in the lounge and only one was there. The other was over by the big window, upside down, and clearly chewed. Furbie-sized holes were all over it and it was soaking wet.

I've had puppies eat shoes and other things, but never a hyperactive cat !(Serves me right for feeding her some Lidl cat food)

I had a lovely day at the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, volunteering in the shop. Our swans are still sitting on the nest and the guides are sure that they will hatch in the next couple of days. The kingfishers have only been seen flying by - suspicions that they have built a nest further down the Trent, where they had the first brood last year.

But the CCTV camera in the nest box was pure magic today. The nine eggs have hatched and the enthusiastic  mother visits regularly to feed the brood. I took this photo with my camera - one of a selection which included the bird in the centre of the pic.  I chose this one, because you can see the frustrated babies opening SOOOOOO wide. Don't worry - she'll be back soon.

Extra photo : the bluetit in the box, feeding the little ones.

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