
A dreich day with little to amuse.

1. Welcome to Inverness! It was a-bustle. Loads of interesting nooks and crannies.

2. Vote Leave! All over the town city. So separatist are the locals its not just Europe they want out of, there is a strong debate to leave Inverness-shire!

3. Ya beauty! Nothing in this shot except as I was walking down these steps I espied a twenty pound note on the ground. My pace quickened, as did that of the three lads behind me. My creaking joints held together and the prize was mine! If you have lost a £20 note in Inverness today I will of course return it. Please just forward all your bank details to me and I will ensure reimbursement.

4. Free Large Chips! The small 'French fries' are hugely expensive. Another reason to leave the EU! NO more Brussel sprouts! We'll have Scottish sprouts.

5. Inversneckie! 35 minutes wait for a £1.40 bus or £8.50 for a taxi now. Dilemma.

6. Council cut backs. They are replacing expensive municipal buildings with cartoon facsimiles.

7. They are considering expanding the policy to housing!

8. More no gull feeding!

9. Such a problem they have immortalised the issue in statuary - the circling gulls are actually part of the monument. What the problem was with unicorn shite I have been unable to determine.

Tomorrow, deepest darkest Dingwall. My tour is nearly done, after Dingwall I start back south to a land without mealy, midges and marauding seabirds.

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