twinned with trumpton


A busy morning undoing all the bad of a week barely spent at home. So by the time lunchtime arrived, I was ready for the onslaught of the kidz. A brief period of G (we only had to drop her at drama this week and that was us done) before we pillaged Asda and then went to Hidden Door. Much merriment at various things; others I fear were nightmare inducing.

Then we her rescued from work and whisked her off for a BBQ in the back garden; boys kicked footballs over fences, skewers and sausages were consumed before we headed in for meringues and strawberries.

She exited on the 2051 (her lad was due back from Malaga around midnight; she wanted to greet him)

And I slumped on the sofa (I think...)

Hidden Door artwork 

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