Flower Friday . . . Cyclamen + D.I.Y
We aren't big on D.I.Y in our family. We just ignore things or pay someone who knows what they are doing. I put my cyclamen pot plant in the shed and took out the camera on the tripod and clicked away. After a few glasses of bubbles I have picked this one and put a regular one in extras.
The forester has helped an ex colleague move house and we shared our wine and the real estate agents wine this evening when we went to see them in their new home. It has a fab view over Lake Rotorua. The ex colleague has three children under 6 and they are delightful. She was a woman forester who held her own in a male industry. It is wonderful to see her in a new role with no swearing at all. A very fun evening was had by all.
I'll miss out the Haiku tonight.
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