
Be forgiven for thinking this is Katie costumed up for the forthcoming show. It is in fact Katie having an absolute whale of a time playing after class in a costume that lovely little Sienna included in a parcel of pretties for Katie, she's very grateful - thank you little lady! We collected them this morning (because parcel office is more accessible when you have a car!!!) before DRIVING to ballet! Katie danced hard today. She looked strong. But way more importantly, she was having such a fantastic time. I am working hard helping at class/with costumes, but I wouldn't swap it as I get to see her face with its utter joy as she dances.

It took over an hour to get her to leave after class tonight, particularly as her buddy had missed class and came back just as class was ending. There was no way Katie was leaving in a hurry.

We weren't home til gone 3, then needed a few supplies. I sent her for a little play before we got stuck into some music. I could hear her dancing to Chopin, then Peter & the Wolf and finally Let it Go!

She did well with her piano, she's mastered her new scales already and has cracked the easier of the two new pieces. The g2 piece she's picking up very quickly and really likes.

We had a pizza tea just snuggled together with the last half of a film we started ages ago. She was flagging before it had finished!

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