
By scharwenka

A Day by the Sea

It seems to be summer with a vengeance now! In case the weather is only fleeting, we took the opportunity to have a day at the coast, and drove to one of our nearest beaches (in Dorset, but it's still about 130 miles away, and nearly three hours of driving).

This view, a spectacular one in real life, is from the highest point on the road from Corfe Castle to Studland. We are in the Isle of Purbeck, a very attractive and varied part of the country.

In our photograph, we are looking somewhat east of north, with heathland to the east towards Studland Bay. Just out of sight, to the far right, are the Old Harry Rocks, two chalk formations, including a stack and a stump, jutting out into the sea.

On the far left, you can see Brownsea Island, and then almost directly in front of you are the waters of Poole Harbour, with myriads of small boats at play. Further to the right, the two landmasses come close together, and a car ferry crosses here to link Sandbanks and Studland. Then, on the far side further to the east come the first beaches of Bournemouth.

We spent our day at and around Studland Bay, which is a splendid sandy beach with dunes and heath behind. From here, you are looking out at the open sea, but the Isle of Wight is easily visible in the distance. There are small boats not far off the shore, and larger vessels (the Condor Ferries, for example) in deeper water. Close by, children and adults are swimming, playing games, building sand castles, and having a lot of fun. In fact, enjoying a holiday at the seaside just as it ought to be.

So we were home at about 11pm, tired, sandy, and slightly pink from the sun, but having had a truly enjoyable day out.

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