Off Centre

By RachelCarter

You want excitement...???!!!! I give you... ....

Broccoli leaves!!!

Olympic champion broccoli leaves.

We all get excited about different things. I get excited about dirt, bugs, photography, watching things grow, tall flowers flopping against a blue sky background, writing a story, good music, great drama, new books, my kids and all the wonderful things they do, singing, making a noise on the piano, making a noise on my flute, hearing a song I love being played live. I don't get excited about sport. It's not part of who I am. I can't make myself be excited about sport can I and why the hell should I?

Nevertheless I am very interested and excited to see what tonight's opening ceremony will bring and I will be watching it with interest, and - I hope - some British pride. (Please don't let anyone sing Rule Britannia though) And I completely understand what this must be like for the athletes and the sports fans involved. I do understand. I know what it's like to be involved in something that makes your heart leap with pride. I am also married to the former British surfing champion and I have tolerated a lot of surf-related gubbins for over 20 years. I consider myself pretty tolerant.

I do think though that people should be allowed to not be interested in the Olympics and those that are should understand how overwhelming this all is for us.

We all get off on different things. Can I make everyone get excited about my interests? Yes?
Everyone must look at and celebrate our mammouth task of getting our veg beds from zero to broccoli leaves (fennel, beetroot, peas and broad beans also doing well) in just a few weeks. Back in June there was just lawn, now there are 6 beds, a greenhouse, and three attempts at seedlings. Weather and critters have given us a real challenge and I've lost my marrows and courgettes 3 times.
But all the hard work is finally paying off and I'm exceedingly proud at how it is all coming together. This will be a lasting legacy for years to come and we can continue to reap the rewards for years.

I don't watch sport. I just can't. It bores me. That doesn't make me a bad person or a killjoy

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