Gitama's World

By Gitama

Hello Cork....Ireland...The Emerald Isle

After a harrowing airport debacle I arrived in Cork. Himself had driven there to pic me up and it was such a relief to see his smiling face....a friend.
We drove for over an hour (chatting all the way…a lot of ground can be covered in an hour and I don’t just mean the miles) to arrive at their lovely house tucked away down a drive amidst a magical garden…of which I got a tour of….and the polly tunnel. It is a rather large bit of land and all I i could really think of (in-between oohing and aaahhhing over the plants and the beauty of it) was jeez! this would take a lot of work…..I immediately felt tired…hahahahaha.
Freespiral had a meeting to go to….Himself had stuff to do on the computer so I pottered around for a bit…and then by the time i got around to blipping it was getting dark and rainy… camera had another rest today except for this gorgeous little bunch of flowers on the window sill……I couldn’t resist having a play around …I certainly didn’t have many to choose from to blip.

Tired I went to bed.

(still a day behind)

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