Aint I Luverly...........

....When we cam around the corner of the road eyes nearly fell out of my head...I have never seen such HUGE Alpacas/Llamas..(not sure what they are)...and for some reason they made me think of the Kelpies in Scotland....really no joke.
Mind you it is the first outing I have been on for a little while with me in the drivers seat.....and...just after a very nearly bad disaster. I parked to show my friend Zom what they are doing to the old house that I used to photograph a I went to drive off I drove into a culvert with very nasty scraping noise and car nearly tipped over on its side...with the help of Zom ..... me shaking like a leaf and nearly in tears.....only two wheels on the ground we managed to get it out....thank goodness for 4 wheel was really touch and go for a while.....if there was a pub in town I would of stopped for a stiff one (drink)....but it was burned down a few years back and only now are they starting to rebuild.

Then we saw these two feral beauties...(very unkempt with knotted hair...check 'himself' out in extras). 

We jaunted around the hills for a bit and I took her to another part of the dam that she had never seen...that was then all of a sudden I felt deathly tired and all I wanted was my chair and a cup of tea........I had to come back for a bit of a nap.

“You weren't an accident. You weren't mass produced. You aren't an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the earth by the Master Craftsman.”
Max Lucado,

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