A Grand Entry into Wonderland

It has been a most wonderful day today...the weather has just been gorgeous.....blue skies full of fluffy clouds.. perfectly complimenting  the bright green of the grass and the colourful heads of the many many wildflowers that just have to grow everywhere one looks...there really is no stopping them...the show must go on.....and what a show it is.
After a bit of a slow start and some brekkie Freespiral and I went for a walk up into the hills just behind the house to the most exquisite Gorteanish stone circle......how fabulous to have ones own stone circle to go and sit anytime one has the desire for some quiet time and the illustrious company of these stones. After a while we met up with Himself and walked up to a lovely cafe (which took ages as we had to stop to take pics ...lots of them). It would take too long to tell you all the things I saw on that walk in detail there was so much ..the old ruinous houses were just an absolute treat.
Amanda and I did pick up a new friend along the way...a little black dog...who followed us for ages...he left us just before the memorial.....I think we all thought and worried that there might of been another addition to their household...hahahahaha.

We had coffee @ Annabells coffee shop.... looked at her lovely art work and wandered though the gardens full of beautiful blooms...I managed to get a pic of Ma and Pa Kettle amongst a little sculpture garden (extra).

When we got home we finished off the yummy Quiche Amanda made yesterday with a big cuppa tea.........time to be off again.

We drove down some very windy little roads in search of Holy Wells...well not searching really as Amanda has been here lots before ........Oh my goodness...how absolutely amazing........I would love to post a lot more extras but to be honest I am just pooped and getting ready for bed...and ......running out of extra space again...I will have to go back and delete.
This one was called The Ladys Well.....it was breathtakingly beautiful until a cloud of bugs preceded Herself (Amanda) appearing from the bushes as I was taking pics.......long story...but funny.

We did do a little trespassing which we got busted for and then moved on to the next well ....which we had to climb over a very high rickety gate/fence to get to ....and then traverse some very uneven treacherous ground...it was worth every step to Goo La Doo holy well (extra).

The last stop of the day was to SeeFinn to look at the view and the Pieta.

Home for a fabulous nosh made by Himself...( I recommend this restaurant highly).......and a couple of episodes of GOT.

What a fabulous day...infact every day has been just awesome........I really am feeling blessed.

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