Sunshine, Sandals & Stripes

Asha knocked Julia over with the full force of her love this morning! 
A lovely morning with Ju, we got in a fro-yo early on, then caught a boat across the harbour & had a coffee on the beach in Talamanca (see extra). 
We went for a picnic after getting Asha from school...found a gorgeous shady playground with lovely picnic benches amongst the pine trees...a good way to spend an hour or 2... Then later more fro-yo (couldn't leave Asha out could we?!). We bumped into her school teacher who promptly scooped Asha up into a big cuddle - love the affection here...

Today I'm grateful for; 
2) Time to just natter & potter with a good friend.
3) Danny taking over all work duties so I could be free to just have fun. 

*back blipped for yesterday*

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