Birthday Brunch

A few of us got together for a friend's birthday, which is not till Monday, and had a birthday brunch. Gone are the days for going out and getting bladdered, this is a lot more grown up!

Brunch turned into Sports Day type activities including the sack race, the egg and spoon race, running race, the bean bag race followed by tennis and football! To be fair the adults were more competitive than the kids...........I think it was the bucks fizz fault!

When we got home Mum had arrived from Cornwall.....we went for a spot of shopping, a quick dog walk and now I am about to do pasta, salad and garlic bread for dinner. Feet up with my book and the Olympics tonight :)

What a busy day! And, the sun is still shining too - I may even pour a little Pimms....well, it would be rude not to, wouldn't it :)

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