Snow Down Under

By snowy


Here we are, all twelve of us. ( 3 children & 7 grandchildren ) Mind you, in the 11 years since it was made, we have all grown upwards & outwards ! It was made by a clever lady on the Gold Coast, where for the past 12 winters Max & I have always spent 3/4 weeks.
I blipped this plate over a year ago & I apologise for showing it again, but I do love it.........because it has lots of colour, it doesn't hang in my 'blue & white gallery". No siree. It is relegated to the garage wall where it is bolted on. And has a family tree beside it - all done in plates ! Honestly it all sounds very gimmicky but I think it is ingenious. You can walk round my house, meet all the family, & have a quick flick round the world. Or you can come inside, have a cup of tea, & always a piece of shortbread ! Happily that is the end of the plates - ALL IN THE GARDEN.

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