Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


More in the news today about the fallout from Brexit, and the UK's credit rating has been cut to 'negative'. I signed the petition today for a second referendum as did 2 million other citizens, but I doubt anything will come of it. I doubt the EU will be nasty in the negotiations for the withdrawal from the EU and we may be surprised how little will change. Universities have pledged to pressure ministers to ensure European staff and students can still work and study in the UK, and all the universities are negotiating to safeguard research funds. I think with give and take many things can be agreed and hopefully some things may not change. Other than probably having mad Boris as prime minister, which was his plan all along. The UK is still one of the strongest economies in the world and for that we should be grateful.

More strange weather today, sunshine this morning, then rain and a sudden thunderstorm at lunchtime, followed by more sunshine. I noticed the lavender in my garden is in bloom, so I wet out after the storm to take some photos.

A quiet night in, lazing on the sofa and watching TV.

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