By AMK49


All good things come to an end and this afternoon we flew from Corfu back to Edinburgh airport. On the plane I was reading a book called "The Wrong Kind of Clouds" , a debut novel written by Amanda Fleet a friend of mine, and I happened to look out of the plane window as we were flying up the east coast of Italy and saw this lovely cloud formation - I must say I find clouds fascinating and particularly when you are flying above them.

On the same theme the extra shows us descending through the clouds into Edinburgh and I liked the way the gap in the clouds allowed some sunlight to light up the fields below.

As I suspected it was somewhat cooler when we landed, 15 C compared with the 30+ C we had left, but the sun was shining and it felt lovely and fresh. We did drive through some heavy showers as we made our journey across the Forth to Fife - felt a bit sorry for the large crowds at the Highland Show as we drove past - the car parks were packed and the rain was getting a bit heavy.

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