Comfort eating

A beautiful day full of some of the best people with the sun shining and the beer flowing. A good way to spend the day: a reminder that the world is still turning and there are still fantastic people in the world.

Those of us who are still reeling from the referendum results keep getting told to 'pipe down' or 'stop whinging' like we've just lost our 20p pocket money and we should forget about it. I mean, it wasn't worth much anyway, was it? Or that we should just realise that democracy works and that the people have spoken. I fail to believe the same would have happened if the results were 52/48 the other way, especially with poster boy Farage demanding another vote.

I do believe that we are poorer, in many ways, because of the decision and I won't be told not to be upset about it. The results have shown us more than the fact that 52% of voters wanted us out of the EU, they've shown us that we live in a deeply divided country and I don't feel like there's anything worth celebrating in that.

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