A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ticket to Ride

Here you have it folks, Europe all beautifully linked with a fabulously bright and colourful rail network. Ah...

Back in the real world...

This represents a good step forward for J. We used to play this a lot. I think for one year we may have done little else. So it was very lovely when last night J asked if we could play it today. It took a while to reacquaint ourselves with the rules so our first game session ended up being a little over an hour. We had to hit the pause button to give him a break for some food and to regroup but to my surprise regroup he did and after a couple of hours we played for a final half hour.

Amongst the other things on my achievement list today are: work, two school runs, food shopping, lots of meal prep, laundry, dishwasher emptying, dishwasher filling, two dog walks and the rubbish and recycling. My current step count for the week is 57,000. If I had the energy to put a hat on I would immediately take it off to any single parents out there.

Back to the game...it really is quite fabulous and I heartily recommend it. Even if it does only seem like a fantasy...

Lesley x

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