A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Boy jumping

It's a new sport. Feel free to stop by and try it.

Considerably more jolly day than yesterday. Though both me and J a little jaded so not sure what either of us achieved. I definitely took Albi for a walk with a neighbour who has just been effectively constructively dismissed from her job in a very unpleasant way. And J went to a long science lesson which seemed to involve playing the guitar (harmonics and vibrations I think but don't quote me).

Anna spent the day at Legoland and seems to have succumbed to peer (and teacher) pressure to go on all sorts of scary sounding rides that doesn't necessarily bode well for the future. But she was very happy. And we seem to have completely caved on her watching South Park with the rest of us so not sure we have grounds for comment.

I failed miserably to read today's book club book but as it was across the road popped in to be sociable and had a very jolly catch up as usual.

And now way too late to bed given the very early start.

Lesley x

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