Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Look mum, I've nearly gone the whole day without a

Her memory is short clearly as we'd already achIeved one for today. Maybe a growth spurt but M seems to be bumping and crashing into everything at the moment. On monday she fell in some prickles. On Wednesday I thought she'd broken her wrist when she fell over a curb. On Friday and accident in the garden meant she had a scabby black foot. This morning E shoved her (grrr) and she scraped her back on the loo handle and now at dinner time she falls off her chair and bangs her knee.

J was fishing this morning so I woke to massive spacious bed :-) well until it was filled with little people.

We did puzzles while E was in her room thinking over bathroom sister shoving incident and then we all watched some Olympics. The kids had taught L to chant "Tom da-ley, Tom day-ley!" which she now uses for every race. Today it was the rowing.

During the afternoon we went to the 'World Picnic' and watched some live music acts. A real mixture of weather with hail stones rain and sun. The girls saw some of their friends there so another fun day was had.

Back home for grand prix highlights and a Hamilton victory. Whoop!

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