Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Scene of The Crime

Last day blues, before the return journey.  We stopped to listen to these two young ladies playing their ukuleles and singing their own cheerful little songs.  In the background, the restaurant where we ate our final meal of the holiday, and where we had frequently stopped as it is so pretty, and a lovely place for a drink and a snack. 

Sadly, on this occasion, we went for a proper meal; I had a salad (unintentionally warm, and insipidly limp) while G had Souvlaki ( mixed meats on a skewer, cooked over a grill).  Unfortunately, it had not been cooked properly, and halfway through he realised both the chicken and the pork were half raw in the middle. 

He was taken ill on the plane home; shivering and teeth-chatteringly cold, then sweating and nauseous.  Now - 10 days later - (I'm back-blipping A remember), he has been diagnosed with Campylobacter, and is still off work.  Definitely the last time we eat something which has not been cooked in an oven. 

Still, one bad meal out of all of the delicious ones we have had there over the years is not bad.  I have no doubt we'll be back  again. A few more extra pictures show how lovely it all is, and the different lights and skies; you could never see all of the city without falling in love with bits of it over and over again.

Until next time Corfu .......

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