
By CharlieBrown

Good Grief 186

Asterix and his fellow villagers were fearless, except when it came to the belief that the sky may fall on their heads.
I can see where they are coming from.
This is all making me so irritable and I am not sure if it is becoming a focus for my own malcontent.
I feel so angry that we seem to be being played and toyed with. It is all feeling so Machiavellian.
I feel so ignorant. I knew nothing about Momentum until today. I wish the chaps were here to help fill in the dreadful gaps in my understanding.
I feel appalled at my own complacency.
I also feel annoyed at my lifelessness and ambivalence especially when young lives, full of life and zest are often so easily dashed and plucked from their place on this earth, often when so interlinked with the lives and welfare of others.
But I keep coming back to the same thing. This feeling of connection. That sense of connection being so seemingly blithely tossed aside. It just feels like such a decadent thing to do when connection is such a very fragile thing and the lostness that comes without it.
There was an excellent Thought for the Day today which I was heartened to hear was along similar lines.
With thanks and gratitude for blip.

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