Old friends

Nigel and Mary were en route from the south to Scotland on holiday, so came for lunch on their way north. Nigel and I were colleagues for many years, and we all became friends when we lived in the south. They brought sad news of a mutual friend - she had been given only a few weeks to live, so they were coming north for a long weekend instead of the planned 10 days, as they were needed to give support.

It was great to see them - Brexit was to the fore of the chat of course.

We then went to Whitley Bay to pick up Thomas and James from nursery. We had a long run around in the park before getting them home for bath and bed. James was a terror, running away shouting "Night night Granny" when I was trying to get his nappy done and nightclothes on. However he was asleep before he'd even got his arm round his bunny.

#2 daughter didn't get back from her meeting in London till 10.45 - she had to walk from the station to Monument as the metro wasn't running between those stops. Her husband is still in India but it is going well, and he'll be back on Saturday.

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