A long day

which wasn't helped by my phone stubbornly remaining on French time so we went around waking DS#1 at just gone 6am. A popular move.
The ceremony in the Cathedral passed by with a couple of Speech Day style speeches before the first but not last drinks of the day were had. DS#1 and his mates have got into the habit of greeting all their friends post Graduation with a bottle of vino before retiring to a local hostelry serving ridiculously cheap beer.
A friend's son was also graduating today and so it was good to catch up with them over some late nights cocktails in a bar on the river that was smart enough to refuse entry to DS#1 in his post graduation kit.
Back then at midnight to DS#1 and Charlotte A's flat to find it full of his mates drinking gin. Not an early night. We did refuse the kind offer of going on to a local club.

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