
By Madchickenwoman


Well the chickens fairly hurtled out the coop this morning! Poor Izzy nearly fell off the ramp in the stampede! What a joy it was to clean the coop - just slid out the trays, brushed the poop into the bin, washed them down, drained them and reinserted! Plus not a single mite to be found! I can also joyfully report I have sussed the Northern Fowl mite in the home coop too - all the spraying and blow torching was assisted by the application of Frontline on Tilly and Polly, or rather the Invermectin drops for large  ornamental birds! The chicken lady at the farmers shop had recommended it, eggs can't be eaten but that's ok as Polly hasn't laid in months and they can both eat Tilly's egg  which she lays  on alternate days! I am one ecstatic madchickenwoman!
Another day on the plot, starting with the cutting back of the brambles that were traipsing their way into the chicken plot. As I was doing this I did think I should be doing my own plot, and then I spotted the bush  positively laden with Gooseberries! If I had not been in that corner of the plot I would never have noticed them! So good deeds are rewarded!
I also rewarded myself with a sit down on my garden bench with a cup of Sweet Rhubarb tea. Which is when I took photographs of the Comfrey with as usual a bee coming in at high speed! ! Refreshed I then dug up  more potatoes,  cut back the comfrey which had finished flowering and put in the compost bin for a nutritious mulch next year!  I then supported the  flowers that had been blown over in the wind and rain with raspberry canes. Finally I gathered flowers and herbs to put in a vase at home and  put them in my favourite Chicken bag kindly sent to me by Lg9 - I certainly am "Livin' the dream!" and headed home for some food!
So - evening came and it was time to see if the girls would go to bed in their new coop.  The Three Stooges and Penny came rushing over to me but no others. When I took off the door to the nesting area there were the others - all squeezed into the nesting box and poor Izzy and Henrietta being positively squashed under Betsey! Funniest thing i've seen in a long time! They do not like the slatted flooring! I gave the girls outside some corn and Felicity actually came out the coop! After they had finished eating they wandered in and out of the shanty dwelling clucking  in a subdued and slightly upset manner! Amy came up to me as if to say "Help! someone has stolen our coop!" But finally they all went in and that left Penny. No way was Penny going in the new coop! She went on top of the shanty dwelling and then under it when I tried to grab her! Finally I cornered her and deposited her in the coop. Hopefully tomorrow they will all start laying again, well those that were before anyway! Only 3 eggs today! But the girls are settling in, albeit some more reluctantly than others!! 

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