Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Top Trumps

First day back in the office since last week, but I'm still not 100% as I'm still sniffling and coughing. I really hope it shifts and I'm going to be ok for Snowdon, starting to worry a little bit over it.

I struggled for a blip today as I had a shedload of work to get through and organise things for the weekend, luckily I had a few things go my way and the day wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Did anyone get Top Trumps? I found these cards today from my youth, if I remember I had a few packs but never really knew how to play the game. Lol!

Work is sometime like Top Trumps, people trying to outdo each other in the eyes of the boss. Remember Muttley, Dick Dastardly's dog, when he did something right and he always wanted a reward, or as he used to say "medal, medal, medal. Hehehehehe." Yeah that!

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