Mother Nature

Today's wide angle Wednesday challenge set by Bobsblips was to incorporate "nature" .........this is my rather disappointing contribution :-(

I didn't sleep well last night.......and was up earlier than I'd have liked, so I was a bit grouchy first thing ;-)

Once up and showered I was off in the car to go see the coughing duo, otherwise known as mum and sis!!! Mum was almost ready when I got there, she just needed a bit of help with her hair.......a bit of titivating with the hot brush and she was good to go! Sis arrived, and off we went for our usual browsing and lunching ;-)

I made mums tea, before going off to Step and Pilates, where I met up with sis again. It's a month since I last did a step class and boy did I know it!!!!!! During Pilates I got cramp in the back of my thigh, twice, I was like a footballer, just needed someone to flex my toes......oooooouch!!!!!

I stopped off on my way home to try and catch the sunset and it was looking promising, but then the clouds sort of spoiled the party.........but, Sod's law, once back in the car and almost home, the sun dropped below the cloud line and we had the most amazing violets and oranges, needless to say it was too low in the sky for me to get any shots!!!

Time for bed shortly, although I feel like I've only just got home!

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