Off Centre

By RachelCarter

No direction

Curly swirly and all over the place... That's how my brain works.
Today I got my final ever OU result and confirmation that I have my BA honours (open)
The open bit means I didn't follow a specific subject. In fact I spent YEARS thinking, 'Ooh! THAT looks interesting!' and completely changing track, not even thinking about a specific outcome and so have a degree with more points than I need that, in my case includes technology, social sciences, psychology, the arts, creative writing, literature and health and social care. I'm a bit branchy and reachy outy and easy to distract on a new path - just like my favourite candle holder here.

Okay, I'll be honest.
It's 10.15 and I've just taken a photo of a random household object in a badly lit room because it's late and I want to go to bed but I don't want to miss a blip day.

It was fun trying to make it relate to my day somehow though!

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