Blue Tit on a Roof?

I've been working up to blipping again for a day or two (week or two? Month or two).
Lots has happened in my World since I last did.
Including a house move.
They say the stress of that is right up there with divorce and bereavement.
But there is also (if one is lucky) Excitement and Joy. (It seems I AM lucky!).

I am easing back in on the Blip Front, expecting no comments and almost certainly making fewer than I used to in the past. This will be owing to the many (many many many) boxes which seem to still require unpacking. Rather like a certain advert for air-freshener which plays on 'nose-blindness', I can confirm that a state of 'box-blindness' set in here a few weeks ago.
So there have been changes.
Some things however remain the same.
A state of minor deafness still pervades our household and frequently lightens our mundane communications. I asked Himself this morning if he would like a finger of a well known chocolate wafer biscuit with our elevenses. (I called it by it's brand name).
'Chip fat?', he responded. (As if that would be something we usually share with our brew).
And, of course, it's Friday.
The wine forecast is looking exceptionally clear, and definitely red :-)
Happy Friday one and all.

P.S. The bird is on the side of a building in Manchester, and I can thoroughly recommend a visit to The John Rylands Library. (And don't miss The Historic Toilets!).

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