Racing the Barrel

For perhaps the 3rd year in a row, my Dad and I went to the local rodeo in a neighboring village. And, for the 3rd year in a row, I think I've blipped a barrel racer.

I can't explain it because I've always been a city boy...but there is something special about seeing cowgirls in jeans with a big western belt buckle...and...cowgirl hats. Makes you want to learn how to ride a horse, and say..."Howdy."

It was not a good night for taking photos. The temp was great (70F), but it was cloudy and overcast, and darkness came upon us as the riders were starting to ride the bulls.

I took many pictures, which will take hours to go through. When I do, I'll add some to Flickr. Maybe even show a few cowboys.

Check out the photo in the extras. On the cuteness level, it was hard not to post. Little cowboys are precious, but c'mon...cowgirls are cowgirls.

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